Monday, January 24, 2011

Baby Blues /Postnatal Depression

What is it about Postnatal Depression? having babies is simple , right ? That's what everyone says....Women have been doing it for centuries - yet it is still the hardest job , the hardest transision , emotionally , physically and mentally exhausting . Even though I have been in the industry for the past 4 years , and I can pick up the subtle signs of a mom struggling - it is still so difficult to approach a mom and say , are you struggling ? Can I help you? From the mom who declares , "this is hell , I'm on anti-depressants , it's the only way," - to the mom ,who stoically chips away at it , melts into tears regularly by herself and grinds through it , but" all is fine"

So , as a caregiver - it is my hardest area to tackle - having struggled myself with my first baby (sometimes knowing too much clinically is a downfall), I know what they are feeling and want to help , but how do I help ? what can I do? referring to a psychologist is one option - but there must be more? what do moms want from others ? maybe just recognition and a listening ear?

Would love to hear from some of you , especially those who have been through this . Or maybe some dads who've been through it too.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm a blogger

Hi Guys ,

Here is our blog - it is very simple!! and hopefully easy to use , I'm new to this so lets see how it goes. I'm here to open a forum for all moms and dads who want to voice anything they want to (doesn't have to be specifically baby orientated , but since we all have that in common - it's a pretty good place to start! ) Anyone wanting to chat feel free.......